Taita Hills y LUMO Conservancy

Background mask

Taita Hills Wildlife Sanctuary y Lumo Conservancy son dos parques pequeños situados entre los inmensos parques nacionales de Tsavo West y Tsavo East. Taita Hills Wildlife Sanctuary, de 110 kilómetros cuadrados de superficie, pertenece al arco montañoso Oriental y es una de las cordilleras más antiguas de África. Además alberga el Apalis de Taita y el Zorzal de Taita, los pájaros más raros (y amenazados) de Kenia.

Important details

  • 82,- per person + jeep rental – Prices are subject to change

Additional information

The night gamedrive allows you to spot night creatures such as the aardvark and the serval cat, and to get a chance to see lions and leopards hunting. This gamedrive starts right after dinner, and takes you by car into the bush. The ranger will have a light to spot animals lurking around in the dark bushes, which allows you to see more. Usually on a night game drive, the accommodation where you spend the night will provide you with a vehicle and a guide. You may be sharing a jeep with another group if other guests also booked this activity.

The air feels different at night and so does nature itself. Sounds of the wilderness fill the air, the stars stud the sky and not many people get to live to experience this unique gamedrive. Local communities living in this area support and benefit from this park, which definitely makes it worth a visit.

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